We had a great trip to Ohio to visit our girls and DaLee’s mom and other family.  The girls played tour guide as they shared with us their favorite parts of the amusement park where they’re working.  We explored the sights of Sandusky and Lake Erie and sampled the various eateries they’ve discovered.  DaLee’s mom is doing fairly well, and we had a good visit with her, sharing laughs and memories.  

Driving along the interstate, besides enjoying the beautiful scenery, it’s interesting to read the various billboards to see how they’re trying to capture our attention.  Giant hamburgers and French fries.  Extra Large coffees.  Caves, dinosaurs, museums, and other attractions all try to lure us from the highway.  There are even religious and political ones.  Going through Kentucky I saw one and it bothered me – greatly!  In big, bold letters it proclaimed, “Don’t worry.  There is no hell.” It was the first one like that I had ever seen.  Once we got into Tennessee, I saw another one from the same group.  “There is no God.”  

Now, I know these philosophies are around as well as the people who believe and promote them.  I just hadn’t seen it proclaimed so boldly.  That is their belief system but sadly, they are wrong.  Through the years, I often heard about people being sincere in their beliefs but no matter how sincere they may be, they are sincerely wrong.  I don’t want to play “I told you so” but wouldn’t it be interesting to interview these people as they stand before the judgement seat of Christ?  “So, what are you thinking now?  Still believe there is no God or Hell?”  

The lesson we need to take away from this is that we have a huge task before us.  We don’t have to go to the other side of the world to find people who don’t believe in God.  Right here in the “Bible Belt” there are those same kinds of people.  Some are bold, erecting billboards.  Others are more quiet and subtle – God has no place or meaning in their lives, so Sundays are for the lake, yardwork, or one last party before they have to go back to work.  Our witness doesn’t have to slap them in the face, but our lives need to make our priorities (God!) crystal clear!

Until our next togethering, love ya,


Categories: Bret's Notes