The Student Ministry at FBC Bells has clear goals…

To engage those around us with the purpose of sharing the news of Christ crucified and risen from the dead for our sins. Essentially, our goal is to make disciples who make disciples.

In short, to Engage. Evangelize. Equip.

The Student Ministry meets twice weekly – Wednesday Nights at 6:00pm and Sunday Mornings at 9:00am.

Our dream is to see every student that walks through our doors develop a life of following Jesus. And, here at Bells First Baptist, we believe that we grow best when we grow together! Because of that, we eat together, we study God’s Word together, and we serve others together.

We work hard to present students with relevant, biblical truths within the context of godly relationships with their peers and with access to encouraging leaders.

We also challenge every student to be intentional in living out their faith daily, and provide various opportunities to serve others through mission trips and service projects.

The Loft is where we meet, which is an upstairs wing in the church. If you come through the glass doors that say “Welcome” then the stairs are immediately on your right.

Want to come but don’t have a ride? If you live in Bells, on Wednesday nights we can have a bus pick you up! Just let us know!