This is a strange time, as the pandemic has disrupted our normal schedules. One specific event it has interrupted is graduation. Even still, I wanted to use my article to share a “Senior Spotlight.” I recently had the chance to chat with John Michael about everything from singing to the next steps in his life. This is a transcript of that interview. Hope you all enjoy!

Zac:     I’m going to start by asking you some somewhat random questions. First, outside of hunting, what’s been your go-to hobby during this time of quarantine and social distancing?

John:   Working 8:00 – 5:00. I’ve been pretty busy.

Zac:     What is the first thing you’ll do after quarantine is over?

John:   I think I’m going to go to the Mexican joint and sit down with a basket of chips in front of me.

Zac:     That’s a good plan, I love our Mexican restaurant. You a cheese dip kind of person, or do you prefer salsa?

John:   Cheese dip, salsa, whatever they’re going to give me. It doesn’t matter much to me.

Zac:     That does sound really good. Now I know that your sister, Maddie, is a good singer, and performs songs at the Christmas recital every year. That led me to wonder – is this something that runs in the family? When’s the last time you actually sang out loud for an audience? Where was it and what did you sing?

John:   The last time I sang out loud with an audience around would probably be when I was still in school in my manufacturing class. We’d all be jamming out to the radio and just be singing along.

Zac:     So you would sing in your manufacturing class. What would you be singing?

John:   It would definitely be something off of the 92.3 station – it’s old classic rock. For example, the song Major Tom. When that song comes on, we always jam.

Zac:     If you could have any superpower, what would it be and why?

John:   Probably super-strength. That way if someone starts messing with me, I can push them or poke them really hard.

Zac:     Nice. I think I’d have to select the ability to fly. You could travel wherever and go whenever you wanted to. Speaking of travel, what’s one place in the world you’d like to visit and why?

John:   Well, this place is somewhere I’ve already been, but I’d really love to go back. I really enjoy going to Wyoming a lot – that’s a great place to go.

Zac:     Okay, why would you want to go back to Wyoming?

John:   It’s just awesome. I’m a secluded kind of guy; I like how when you’re up on the mountain, it’s just you.

Zac:     What would you do while you were there?

John:   Kill something else. It’d be a hunting trip for sure.

Zac:     We know you’re a big outdoorsman and hunter. What’s your favorite hunting memory?

John:   Oh that’s a tough one. It would probably be any hunt out of this past duck season. This is the first year I’ve taken one of my friends hunting almost every time I went. It was him, my cousin, and me, and it didn’t matter if we were killing ducks or not, we were having fun. But in fact, on one of the hunts this past year, it was just me and my friend, and we had a great time because we were able to limit out.

Zac:     This next question is one I really like to ask. If you could share a meal with anyone that’s ever lived, in all of history, outside of Jesus, who would it be?

John:   It would probably be one of my grandfathers. They’re both gone, and it’s just been a while since I’ve seen them. We’d have a lot to catch up on.

Zac:     Certainly. That’s an awesome answer. What’s the best piece of advice anyone has ever given you?

John:   You work hard now, so you can relax later. My grandfather told me that.

Zac:     That’s a great piece of advice. What would you say is your favorite youth group memory?

John:   It would probably be when we went to Strength to Stand a couple years ago. That was just a good time all around. I roomed with Braylin, and it was a lot of fun.

Zac:     What would you say is the most impactful thing God has taught you through youth group?

John:   I think the idea of teamwork and working with others to get things done. Every Wednesday night at youth, we play some sort of game, and we usually have to do something that involves working together. Instead of just doing it on my own, I have to work with others to get it done. That’s true for the game, but also in life too. That’s what I’d say.

Zac:     What are the next steps for you?

John:   I’m already enrolled for TCAT Tool and Die, for next month. So I’ll be starting then. I’ll be going to Jackson for class every day, then be done with that by 2:00pm, and that’ll give me the rest of the day to go back to Moore Pumps. I think it’s an 18-month course, and they’ll teach me how to do a bunch of machining stuff.

Zac:     That’s great. What do you think the Lord is calling you to?

John:   I believe the Lord is leading me to expand my family’s business. I’ve been into business with my folks since I was a little kid, and I believe the Lord is leading me toward the machining stuff to expand on. And that’s why I enrolled in the machining course that I’ll be starting soon.

Zac:     Awesome. Last question, what is your favorite Bible verse?

John:   My favorite verse is one everyone knows, but it just says it all. It’s John 3:16:

“For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.”

Categories: Daybreak