DaLee and I were talking about the Covid-19 – again.  We really do talk about other things but like most everybody else, this is on our minds.  We really expected a spike in cases after Spring Break but it never really happened.  Many folks are getting vaccinated.  The numbers continue to lighten up.  Tennessee and other states continue to open up.  BUT…  There are still new cases popping up.  Some states are still staying closed or mostly closed.  

All of this raises the question for me, “How much is enough?”  What number do we need – for the CDC to say we’re “over” it?  – for the closed states and cities to say it’s okay to open back up?  – for travel bans to be lifted?  – for people to feel free to not wear their masks?

And that brings me to another question.  In our relationship with God, what or how much is “enough”?  What will it take for God to say, “That’s enough.  You’re in.  Welcome to heaven!”  If we rely on ourselves, answering this question becomes our life work.  We like to look at others and compare ourselves to them.  “I’m better than them!  At least I don’t (fill in the blank).”  If you choose the right person, you can look pretty good – maybe even really good!  But is that good enough for God?  How many job promotions would it take?  How many business deals?  How many baseball or bowling trophies?  How many good deeds, unselfish acts, or charity works will it take?

Entrance into God’s family and an eternity in heaven takes perfection.  Anybody want to raise your hand to that one?  I sure can’t!  But perfection is what it takes, that’s what’s “good enough” for God.  Looks like we’re doomed, right?  Well, not quite.  Jesus lived a perfect life and offers us His perfection in our place.  We don’t stand next to Him for comparison but so His perfection can cover us too.  And that’s enough.  Actually, it’s a gazillion times better than “enough!”  Nothing could be better!

Wear you mask when you need to but find some joy as well!  

Categories: Bret's Notes