If you’ve worked with me any at all, you know that I am a bit “time challenged.”  I don’t like to procrastinate but I will put off doing whatever until I have to.  Sometimes I’m looking for inspiration.  (I won’t tell you how close I am to my deadline for this article!!)  Other times I am overwhelmed by the project at hand or my life in general so I avoid the task as long as possible.

My Uncle James, a wonderful man with a quick, hearty laugh passed away this week.  My cousin asked me to sing at his memorial service.  I hesitantly agreed.  “It’s a funeral.  It’s a family funeral.  I’ve been having some vocal problems.”  But I wanted to bless his (my) family so I went on.  What do I sing?  I hemmed and hawed, thought and rethought.  What would have meaning?  What could I sing well?  Friday night I was scrambling.  Saturday morning we burned a CD on the computer but it wouldn’t play anywhere else.  God intervened and showed us a wonderful song that ended up ministering to me as much or more than anyone else.  Romans 12 reminds us, “Do not lack diligence” whether we’re at work or school or church.  God can and does intervene at the last minute but He can work just as well in plans and planning. 

The chorus is a great reminder to keep our priorities straight. 

“Turn your eyes upon Jesus, look full in His wonderful face, and the things of earth will grow strangely dim in the light of His glory and grace.”

  He will give us focus and purpose and help us keep the distractions at bay. 

Have a great week.  Thanks again to Linda for filling in so wonderfully.  I would say more, but I’ve got to go finish something else!

Until our next togethering,
love ya, Bret. 


Categories: Bret's Notes