What’s the “bestest” thing you can think of?  Before Dory started to school, we took the “big trip.” Yes, we went to the “happiest place on earth.”  The girls were so excited, they squealed with delight as we drove under the sign at the front of the property, still miles from the park!  One of our must see features was the Princess Experience.  We stood in line for quite a while so we could meet a Princess face to face.  Cinderella stooped down to give a hug.  A starry-eyed Dory looked up and said, “I’ve waited my whole life to meet you!” 

Think back to the First Century.  The disciples and other followers of Jesus watched in fear and horror as their whole world came crashing down.  Some of them had been with Jesus for the whole three years of His public ministry.  They had listened to His preaching and watched Him do incredible miracles.  Then in the matter of a few days, He was arrested, beaten, and killed.  What happened?  How could this have happened?  Why did this happen?  Sunday morning, their world was turned upside down once again.  “He is risen!” Mary proclaimed.  The news of the resurrection was wonderful, marvelous, incredible news for them.  Yes, Jesus is who He said He is.  Coming back from the dead is the greatest miracle of all!

As we celebrate Easter and the Resurrection, truly this is the “bestest” thing that could have ever happened.  The tomb is empty!  It really is!  No theatrics, no stage magic, no hidden doors.  Jesus is alive!  He stands beside us every day – and you don’t have to wait in some long line winding through a gift shop to talk to Him!  And at this very moment, He is preparing the happiest place in the universe for His children to live eternally.  We’re not waiting our whole life; we are preparing our whole life to be with Him. 

I pray that we may live in the spirit and reality of the resurrection every day!  Thanks Choir and musicians for your great job Sunday.

Until our next togethering,
love ya, Bret. 


Categories: Bret's Notes