“If we don’t get everything started back, there is not going to be anyone to come back.”

“We better take it slow. Have you heard that COVID numbers increased again?”

“We don’t feel safe coming back to church until all of this is over. I hope you understand.”

“Habits are being formed and people are not going to come back when we do start back.”

“I think it’s all made up. It doesn’t matter what they say. I say just go back to the way it was.”

“People are going everywhere else, why can’t they come back to church?”

“What are we going to do with the children? Is it safe for them?”

“When are we starting Sunday School and Bible Study back?”

“We don’t need to start anything else back until we see how this is going to go.”

“The older generation will come back because of their dedication, but they are the ones that need to really take care of themselves.”

These are just some of the comments that I have heard over the last couple weeks. I get it.  All of us are anxious to know what is next. I wish I had a more complete answer for you, but I don’t. I have been praying for God’s direction in this situation and also seeking Godly council from other individuals and churches. We are definitely in uncharted waters. None of us have any previous experience to fall back on. Each of us are doing the very best that we can for our church.

Bells FBC has averaged 50-60 people (total for both services) each Sunday and you have been faithful to sit only in the pews designated for your time slot. You have used a commonsense approach in attempting to follow social distancing guidelines. It has become obvious, like so many desire, that we can all be in the same service at the same time.

On Sunday, July 12, we will transition to our next phase for regathering. It will be the first day that all of us come together for one worship service at 10:00 am and this will be our schedule going forward as well.

It will also be a great day of celebrating our Lord’s Resurrection. COVID-19 caused us to miss our Easter service in the building, so we are going to have a Resurrection Worship experience on July 12. I look forward to seeing all of you there!

All of the pews will be clean and available for you to sit in. We recommend that you continue to observe social distancing guidelines as you feel appropriate. Hand sanitizer and wipes will be available for your use. Face masks are appreciated, but not required.

Thank you for your patience and understanding through all of this. I assure you, we want nothing but the very best for Bells First Baptist Church. I will do anything I can for any of you. Please let me know how I can serve and minister to you.

Christ Above All,

Pastor Mark