A new Life Group class will begin on Sunday, September 5. This four-week class will be a great asset to Bells First Baptist and specifically to those that are interested in learning more about our church and what we believe.

Those new to our church can begin here and then prayerfully they will become members of our congregation and be assimilated into a regular Life Group class. I will be facilitating First Steps at 9:00 AM each Sunday during our regular Life Group time slot and we will lead a new group of participants approximately four times per year.

Everyone must start somewhere in getting a better understanding of God’s direction for our lives. My prayer is that First Steps will assist new faces and compel them to make Bells First Baptist their church home. I also pray that this group will invigorate our current Life Groups with new learners and participants working together for the Kingdom of Christ.

Our Spiritual journey consists of four steps, hence the four-week class:

  1. Believe in Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior.
  2. Belong to the FBC family.
  3. Become what God has already designed you to be.
  4. Build up the Kingdom of God using your talents, abilities, and Spiritual gifts.

Please pray with me that God will use First Steps to help BFBC continue to reach others with the message of Christ.

Christ Above All,

Pastor Mark