Well folks, right now we are holding what we got. I know last month I wrote that we were planning to transition to our next phase for regathering, but as you know that didn’t happen. Our plan for coming together in one worship service is being put on hold a little longer.

It seems during the COVID-19 pandemic, we are taking three steps forward and then two steps back. It was just reported that Crockett County has had 150 infected by this virus since March (more than 1 for every 100 people).

Yes, sometimes it looks like this coronavirus is winning the battle, but hold on, God is on His throne and will not be removed. Don’t let fear steal the peace God wants you to have.

Honor, respect, praise, and worship God. Take your worries and anxious thoughts to Him in prayer. Trust our sovereign God to continue to be faithful. Most importantly, obey Him and His Holy Word.

The most common command in all the Bible. The most oft repeated admonition in God’s Word is, “Fear not.” God instructs us to not be afraid.

No matter how afraid it makes you to do so, obey God. His challenge to you and me is to trust and obey Him despite everything this ole world throws at you. Despite your fear, obey and see Him do amazing things. Fear not.

So, we might be “holding what we got,” but I assure you we are not doing so in fear. Bells First Baptist Church is respecting our government and health authorities. We also know this virus is to be considered in how we live our lives and it has pushed us to transition the ways we meet. But nothing can stop us from always proclaiming, Christ Above All!

Gratefully yours,

Pastor Mark